Reach Youth
Reach Youth exists to point high school and
middle school students to Christ. We are committed to
sharing the love of Christ to each and every student in a safe
environment while furthering life transformation through the
Gospel. As we have fun together, our goal is to exemplify
God’s love in worship, discipleship, and evangelism. We
are following the commands of Jesus Christ by Reaching
UP, Reaching IN, and Reaching OUT.
middle school students to Christ. We are committed to
sharing the love of Christ to each and every student in a safe
environment while furthering life transformation through the
Gospel. As we have fun together, our goal is to exemplify
God’s love in worship, discipleship, and evangelism. We
are following the commands of Jesus Christ by Reaching
UP, Reaching IN, and Reaching OUT.

Our Priorities
Reach UP: Worship
We believe that, as followers of Jesus Christ, we are created to celebrate God’s presence and honor Him with our lifestyle. We REACH UP to God by exalting His name at all times and bringing praises to Him. (Psalm 34:1)
Reach IN: Discipleship
We believe in equipping our students to become disciples of Christ as well as train them to disciple others. We REACH IN through regular Bible studies, small group accountability, and spiritual retreats. (Matthew 28:19)
Reach OUT: Evangelism
We believe in sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ to our community and world through redemptive words and actions. We REACH OUT through service projects, community outreach, and personal evangelism. (Acts 1:8)
Reach UP: Worship
We believe that, as followers of Jesus Christ, we are created to celebrate God’s presence and honor Him with our lifestyle. We REACH UP to God by exalting His name at all times and bringing praises to Him. (Psalm 34:1)
Reach IN: Discipleship
We believe in equipping our students to become disciples of Christ as well as train them to disciple others. We REACH IN through regular Bible studies, small group accountability, and spiritual retreats. (Matthew 28:19)
Reach OUT: Evangelism
We believe in sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ to our community and world through redemptive words and actions. We REACH OUT through service projects, community outreach, and personal evangelism. (Acts 1:8)